Learn How to Eliminate Cockroaches in Your Kitchen Cabinets

How to Eliminate Cockroaches in Your Kitchen Cabinets - Columbus Ohio

They are one of the most common pests in homes. The facts about cockroaches are that they feed on just about anything and can carry disease with them as they crawl around your house. Unfortunately, they’re also really hard to get rid of because it’s not possible to kill all the eggs, so they’ll keep coming back if you don’t do something about getting rid of them in kitchen cabinets. The elimination of them, particularly in kitchen cabinets, drawers, sinks, and workstations, is very difficult. Additionally, we don’t recommend using a chemical that is harsh in the kitchen. These toxic chemicals could cause grave health risks if they happen to come in contact with food. Regular pest control treatments can be efficient. However, they are costly and long-lasting.

Types of cockroaches:

Knowing which sort is present in your home or yard, on the other hand, may be beneficial. A roach exterminator can help you get rid of roaches. You will want to find out how much it costs as soon as possible to know how much money you need and plan your budget.

  • German roaches (most common) 
  • Oriental roaches
  • American roaches 
  • Brown-banded roaches
  • Smokey brown 

Dangers of having cockroaches in kitchen cabinets:

As with other pests, controlling pests is a must to protect your home from them. To help you understand why this is important, here are some risks of having it living within kitchen cabinets:

  1. Asthma and allergies
  2. Sign of an infestation
  3. Roaches carry disease
  4. Food contamination

Dangers of having cockroaches in kitchen cabinets:

1. Asthma and allergies:

Cockroaches release allergens into the air via saliva, feces, and dropping parts of the body. These could irritate someone’s respiratory system, particularly those who suffer from asthma or allergies.

2. Sign of an infestation:

You might not think that spotting a cockroach or two is significant. However, they usually don’t exist independently. One cockroach can be a sign of the presence of a current or possible roach infestation.

3. Roaches carry disease:

These are among the most dangerous pests when they are carriers of diseases. They’ve been found to spread disease through people suffering from dysentery, cholera, and gastroenteritis.

4. Food contamination:

Alongside spreading disease when you contact them, they can contaminate your water and food sources with bacteria. Consuming anything that they’ve contaminated could cause serious illness.

What attracts cockroaches to your cabinets?

Cockroaches have been around for a long time. But they can be in your home. To keep them away, fix leaks, so water doesn’t come inside the house, don’t leave food where cockroaches can eat it, and make sure there is no shelter for roaches to live. So, they are attracted by the same things humans want: water, food, and a place to live.

  • Filthy dishes
  • Garbage
  • Pet food
  • Moisture

1. Filthy dishes:

A mouse might be able to teach a roach some new tricks. Ultra-sensitive sense of smell can distinguish between scents left on dirty dishes by humans and those emanating from other sources like cooking food or dishcloths soaking up spills in your sink.

2. Garbage:

A roach’s sense of smell is much stronger than a human’s, and it can detect even the slightest aroma from the garbage. This, in turn, will attract them towards certain areas where you might not want to be.

3. Pet food:

Roaches don’t mind eating cat or even dog food if the chance arises. Roach alertness towards your pet’s leftovers depends on how close they are to it when you feed them their dry kibble, but even then, some will still take advantage of this opportunity for sustenance.

4. Moisture:

Cockroaches thrive in the southeastern states of Florida and Georgia, where the weather is hot and humid. Other wet spots in your home where roaches may congregate include:

  • Areas beneath leaking appliances 
  • Areas beneath leaking pipes are other damp areas in your home that may attract roaches.
  • Spills or puddles
  • Condensation-prone areas, such as behind an air conditioner are also harbored for these tiny pests.

Why are cockroaches a problem?

Cockroaches are not good. They carry diseases that can make you sick. You can get diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever and asthma attacks if you have cockroaches in your home. Some methods of getting rid of them use strong chemicals that are bad to breathe in for a long time. So when you get rid of them once, please do your best to keep them away from your home.

  • Contamination
  • Reproduction
  • Citation
  • Customer
  • Disease

1. Contamination:

Cockroaches will walk across and eat garbage as well as food that people have already eaten. They can also carry bacteria on their feet and in their mouth after they have finished eating.

2. Reproduction:

A female cockroach can make more than 1000 of her children in one year. And they produce more each year.

3. Citation:

If a cockroach is seen in the food area, it can result in an inspection failure. The food safety act said that pest control needs to be documented in your written plan for it to work.

4. Customer:

If someone finds a cockroach in your product, it will hurt your company’s reputation. If they post pictures of what they found on social media, thousands of people might see it.

5. Disease:

Cockroaches can transmit foodborne-disease bacteria in their feces and saliva. They can carry these pathogens – salmonella, listeria, and campylobacter.

Kitchen cabinet cockroach killer solutions:

We present tested and tried-and-true natural solutions that are easy and affordable ways to keep out. Here are strategies to how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets out of the cabinets in your kitchen.

  • Borax powder
  • Glue traps
  • Cimexa dust
  • Bay leaves
  • Cockroach killer sprays
  • Soap & water spray
  • Boric acid
  • Gel cockroach baits

Kitchen cabinet cockroach killer solutions:

1. Borax powder:

The borax powder can be described as a well-known household cleaning product utilized in kitchens to lessen the effects of mildew, mold, and other kitchen cabinet issues. Indeed, the borax powder may also aid in killing insects such insects and may also assist in eliminating cockroaches in houses too.

2. Glue traps:

Glue traps can be utilized together with other cockroaches control methods to test whether they’re working or not. However, if you discover dead stuck in the glue trap, you must keep your roach-killing strategies or look for a more effective method. In addition, if a roach becomes stuck in the trap, it’s likely to suffer from starvation when you discover it.

3. Cimexa dust:

Cimexa dust (or powder) is an insecticide product used to treat insect, bug, and cockroach infestations. This dust is an excellent solution since the effects are physical, not chemical. This means you can scatter it throughout your kitchen cabinets and home without causing harmful substances to enter the air. However, this dust could cause a cockroach to die for a long time – as long as 10 years in some instances. So instead, distribute it evenly over the crevices and cracks of your home, particularly in the kitchen and around the cabinetry sink.

4. Bay leaves:

Bay leaves are utilized to treat insect and bug issues. However, types of cockroaches and pests dislike the scent of the essential oils the leaves release naturally. This natural method for controlling insects could work for specific pests. However, it is suggested that the scent does not have the strength needed to drive away. In any case, it’s worth placing some bay leaves in your home and even in the cabinets in your kitchen. They smell great to us.

5. Cockroach killer sprays:

There are various cockroach-killing products that you can purchase from grocery stores, and a majority will work. However, many can be toxic and hazardous to breathe in, particularly when you have pets or children who are young. Also, be cautious while spraying this product near food items in the kitchen cabinets. 

6. Soap & water spray:

Although it’s not a lasting solution, this technique is excellent for getting rid of insects when they show up. So, mix dish soap and water into the spray bottle. Make sure that there is enough soap present in the water. Then, spray the mixture on the roaches directly – the soap will clog their breathing holes and cause them to choke and then die. It’s cruel, yet it’s an effective method to reduce the risk of the number of cockroaches.

7. Boric acid:

Try boric acid dust to eliminate them that have invaded your home. Sprinkle some boric acid powder on your kitchen cabinetry, crevices, and any surfaces that rats love to walk across. This insecticide will get on their bodies, and as they attempt to cleanse their bodies, they inhale boric acid and eventually end up dying.

8. Gel cockroach baits:

Cockroach baits made of gel are highly effective in getting rid of it inside your kitchen cabinets, as well as in other rooms of your home. So, put the bait on numerous spots along the top of the cabinet in your kitchen, underneath the sink, as well as other places you suspect they could be hiding in.

Ways to keep cockroaches away from your property:

Cockroaches are a bothersome pest because they are challenging to eradicate, spread germs and illnesses, and increase rapidly. If you have cockroaches in your house, purple care will help. They can get rid of them and keep them away for good. However, following a few simple house maintenance routines can help you completely avoid a cockroach infestation. Please continue reading for our top cockroach-prevention tips, and remember that purple care is always available to help with your pest management requirements.

Ways to keep cockroaches away from your property:

  • Clean your home regularly
  • Put away food properly
  • Limit moisture
  • Don’t forget to throw away the garbage
  • Try to keep food in the kitchen
  • Vacuum throughout the house
  • Seal up entry points as much as possible
  • Declutter where you can
  • Keep roach shelter materials to a minimum
  • Call a professional right away

1. Clean your home regularly: 

If you want to keep cockroaches away, the best thing to do is to clean and sanitize your home. So, always wipe up spills as soon as possible, disinfect surfaces as needed, and sweep up any crumbs or debris on the floor. 

2. Put away food properly: 

Cockroaches will almost certainly invade your home if you leave food out. Never leave leftovers out overnight, and never let dirty dishes accumulate in the sink. The refrigerator is the perfect place for storing fruits and vegetables. When putting food in there, make sure it’s sealed up tight so bugs can’t get at them. So, throw away outdated food as quickly as possible, and if you keep snacks in the cupboards, make sure the packets are correctly packed.

3. Limit moisture:

Cockroaches are commonly drawn to regions with a water source in addition to food. That means that you should take away any water from your kitchen and make sure to dry the sink every day. Also, you need to put away your pet’s food and water bowls at night. You should also clean your bathroom and attempt to keep excess moisture out of it, as it can contribute to mold growth, which cockroaches love.

4. Don’t forget to throw away the garbage:

Cockroaches are attracted to filth, so make sure you take out the trash regularly and that your trash can has a tight lid.

5. Try to keep food in the kitchen: 

It is customary to eat food while sitting on the couch. But it is not suitable for you to take food into your bedroom or living room. If there are lots of crumbs, then cockroaches will come. So try to keep your house clean and eat in your kitchen or somewhere else that is clean.

6. Vacuum throughout the house: 

You probably already vacuum your carpet regularly, but cleaning throughout your home to keep cockroaches at bay is a good idea. Roaches feed at night. Therefore vacuuming in the kitchen in the evening is a good idea. Cleaning your home will help it to be neat. So, cleaning can also take away crumbs and other things that roaches like. That way, they cannot come and bring more bugs with them inside your house.

7. Seal up entry points as much as possible: 

Cockroaches can enter your house even if you close it up completely, so they can sneak in through cracks and holes. But it would help if you tried to close up as many as possible so that they would not come in as much.

8. Declutter where you can: 

Cockroaches prefer to live in confined, dark locations, so don’t allow objects to pile up in your basement, attic, crawlspace, or garage. The last thing you want to do is pick up a package and discover it’s full of cockroaches, and while we’re on the subject.

9. Keep roach shelter materials to a minimum:

Roaches frequently build their homes out of waste cardboard and paper, so try to recycle as much as possible. Also, avoid leaving old boxes sitting about, mainly if they include magazines or other paper goods.

10. Call a professional right away: 

Insects can grow quickly. But if you have purple care, you will be taken care of, and they won’t grow. Call today to learn more about insect spraying, baiting and other extermination procedures, as well as exclusion tactics for preventing insects from coming back.

How do cockroaches enter your home?

There’s a reason why some people believe cockroaches would be the last species to survive a tragedy. They’re resourceful critters who have a variety of methods for breaking into your home, which is why they’ve thrived for millions of years.

Cockroaches frequently enter through minor cracks and crevices in your home. Sealing off these regions is crucial for prevention, but it won’t guarantee that they won’t come back. 

Regrettably, roaches are also adept at reproducing in unfamiliar environments. As a result, if someone outside your home visits a roach-infested area, they may bring them inside.

How to prevent a roach infestation?

If you have cockroaches, take action now. You can ask for help. So, it’s time to see if there is a way to get rid of the roaches.

  • Clear the area
  • Allow airing dry
  • Boric acid
  • Hire a professional

1. Clear the area:

If you want to get rid of cockroaches naturally, the first step is to be proactive. So, using soap, thoroughly clean the countertops, floors, and appliances.

2. Allow airing dry:

Consider replacing the appliance, hiring a professional, or repairing it yourself if it produces a pool of condensation. So, replace the air filters or relocate a replacement unit to a room with lower humidity as an example of an easy DIY solution for a leaking ac unit.

3. Boric acid:

Boric acid is a commonly used chemical to kill roaches. So, you may buy roach tablets or create your own at home by making little balls of boric acid, wheat, and water. Keep in mind that boric acid is toxic to both people and animals. Wear gloves, and don’t leave your tablets anyplace where your pets could consume them.

4. Hire a professional:

Cockroach removal maybe you’re the best option if your roach infestation has gotten out of hand. Taking care of the problem now, then adopting better cleanliness in the future, will help you get rid of roaches and keep them out. Request an appointment with a local exterminator to discuss your cockroach problem. 


How to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets, you need to use bait that they like. A popular option is boric acid because it can kill them when they eat it. However, this method may not be the best for your home if pets or children are around. So, if you have these groups at risk living with you in your house and want an alternative way to control the infestation without using chemicals, try placing food items near where roaches hide out so that they will carry away some of their droppings when returning to their nest. So, this process will help keep the population down by removing eggs from hatching into new cockroach types.